Thursday, December 4, 2008

Will a Man Rob God?

If you have attended a church for very long, I am sure you read the title and thought, "please not a post about giving." The good news is it is not a post about giving your money, the bad news is it is about so much more than your pocketbook. In Galations chapter 5, Paul makes the comparison between followers of Christ, and followers of the the world, being the same difference as Isaac and Ishmael. Isaac received great blessing, and through him many many generations have been blessed. Ishmael received no blessing, and persecuted Isaac, and his descendants continue to persecute Christians (the descendants of Isaac, by birth or adoption.) The exciting thing about this is we have the choice to be the descendants of Isaac or Ishmael, one is blessed, one is cursed. Our Lord and Savior Jesus, bought that choice for us on the cross. In Galatians chapter 5 Paul writes, "So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free." Christ bought our freedom from both the Mosaic Law, and bondage to sin. I submit that when we choose to follow the world we cheapen the gift that God gave to us freely, and in so doing rob him of the glory he deserves from us.


Like a Mustard Seed said...

Glad you pointed out that as followers of Christ, we are the true descendants of Isaac (and Abraham, Jacob, etc.) that seems to be a truth that is completely lost to so many Christians today, even though it is taught so plainly, and repetitively in the bible! peace, Daniel

Anonymous said...

Even in 1st or 2nd Corinthians says God LOVES a cheerful giver. I go to a church that preaches the tithe - otherwise it's a nice church - but the Holy Spirit won't let me give to the tithe .. I give what I have decided before hand. Quite freeing. :)