Friday, January 2, 2009

Biblical Forgiveness!

This has been an interesting week for me, and I having failed yet again in an area I have been struggling with for quite sometime, went to God in prayer seeking forgiveness, and as I was praying the thought hit me, that I had failed in this area many times, and many times sought forgiveness, how can I expect God to forgive me yet again? This brought me to a place where I was considering giving up spiritually. That night I had a dream that I was reading a scripture, the scripture was Matthew 3: 50, which if you look in your bible you will find that this scripture does not exist. I woke up with a sense of peace and excitement, and ran to get my bible and read the scripture, thinking the dream was surely of God. Much to my surprise I opened my bible to Matthew chapter 3 and found that there were only 16 verses. I spent a couple days pondering what the dream could mean, because I felt sure it was from God. I was talking to a friend about the dream, and he asked me if I had asked God to reveal to me the meaning of the dream. So we prayed together about the dream and asked God if it was from him, and if he would reveal the meaning to us. My friend looked at me and said that the dream was of God, and that I had a misunderstanding of scriptural forgiveness. So for the next hour or two I spent praying that God would reveal to me what the misunderstanding was. God revealed to me that when you receive forgiveness of sin, He forgets. I asked, "Lord is that you?" He said yes. He continued to reveal to me that if I want to stop failing in that area I have to recognize the fact that he has wiped the slate clean, and stop walking in guilt, but instead glorify him for his mercy, and rejoice in his freedom.

1 comment:

Steven O. said...

You know Tommy it is like we always hear from people who stopped drinking alchohol. They always state "once an alcholic always and alcholic". I am here to say that is wrong. Just as you have discovered with how God showed you. Once He reconciled you those sins are forgiven.
Praise God!!!!